Sasana Year 2568 , Myanmar Year 1386 , Tabaung waning 13 , Wednesday .

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Flash content protection for LPC824

In this article, I would like to discuss about evaluation of LPC824 low cost 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller using OM13071 LPCXpresso824-MAX Development board. LPC824M201JHI33 is used in the board. Its size is only 5 x 5 x 0.85 mm in HVQFN package.

In order to evaluate it, MCUXpresso Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is downloaded and installed. Other tools for it can be found at this link . After launching MCUXpresso and assigning a workspace folder, example projects can be imported by clicking Quick Start Panel (near bottom left corner) -> Import projects from file system ... -> Browse LPC open resources as shown in the following figure.

When LPC824 board is connected to computer, a mass storage device will appear and it can be closed. I tested an example project called periph_blinky. After opening project folder, reading readme and source code, I compiled it by clicking Bulid in the Quick Start Panel. Thereafter, I clicked Debug, and chose MBED CMIS-DAP probe in the pop-up windows. Clicking green arrow icon in the tool bar run it (see the following figures) and the red LED on LPC824 board was found blinking.

MCUXpresso has a GUI flash programmer. It can also be run from command prompt as follows.
crt_emu_cm_redlink --flash-mass-load "Y:\periph_blink.axf"
 -g --debug 2  --vendor NXP -p LPC824  -ProbeHandle=1
 -CoreIndex=0  --flash-driver LPC800_32.cfx

Protecting flash content and Code Read Protection (CRP) options are described in LPC82x User manual page 371. CRP level can be defined in crp.c as shown in the following figure. Project -> Properties -> C/C++ build -> Settings -> Tool Settings Tab -> MCU Linker -> Managed Linker Script -> Enable automatic placement of Code Read Protection field should be ticked also.

Under project, periph_blinky.axf in 'Binaries' folder can be right clicked and click Binary Utilities -> Disassemble command to see disassembly. In the resulting dis file, CRP_WORD can be found at address 2fc with a value corresponding to selected CRP level.

If you want the output in Intel hex format, go to Project -> Properties -> C/C++ build -> Settings -> Build steps -> Post build steps, and click Edit button to add the following command.

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -v -O ihex "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.hex"

When the hex file is checked at address 2fc, corresponding CRP value can be found as follow.

After burning the flash, a power cycle is required to take the protection effect. It is importent to note that SWD pin can no longer be used even in CRP level 2. To remove the protection, the chip must be erased with ISP UART interface using a tool such as Flash magic.

To connect to UART, a USB to UART converter as such FTDI cable can be used. In my case, I used CP2102 adapter. LPC824 board (schematic) pins are compatible with Arduino, therefore D0 pin (P0_0) is Rx and it can be connected to Tx of CP2102 adapter. Similarly, D1 pin (P0_4) is Tx which should be connected to Rx of CP2102 module. Before erasing using Flash magic, the board needs to be reset while ISP button is pressed.

As an alternative to Flase magic, it is also possible to send the following commands manually from serial port.

From host or controllerCommandHexadecimalDescription
H?3Finitiate to sync
CSynchronized53 79 6E 63 68 72 6F 6E 69 7A 65 64 0D 0A reply
HSynchronized53 79 6E 63 68 72 6F 6E 69 7A 65 64 0D 0Aack sync
COK4F 4B 0D 0A
H1200031 32 30 30 30 0D 0Afreq 12 MHz
COK4F 4B 0D 0A
HU 2313055 20 32 33 31 33 30 0D 0Aunlock wr and erase with unlock code 23130
C030 0D 0Asuccess code
HP 0 3150 20 30 20 33 31 0D 0A prepare sector 0 to 31 for erase or wr
C030 0D 0A success code
HE 0 31 45 20 30 20 33 31 0D 0A erase sector 0 to 31
C0 30 0D 0Asuccess code

Since LPC824 board appears as a serial port called Mbed serial, it can be used in testing UART example also. For that, 0 ohm resistor at SJ9 jumper needs to be changed to connect pin 2 and 3.

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