Sasana Year 2568 , Myanmar Year 1386 , Tabaung waning 14 , Thursday , Sb Eve.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Grbl_ESP32 MKS DLC32 Board with FluidNC CNC Firmware

When constructing robotic rigs capable of movement along the x, y, and z axes, I have often relied on CNC controllers such as GRBL paired with the Arduino CNC shield, as detailed in my previous post:
DrawBot XY Plotter with Arduino GRBL Controller

With recent advancements in this field, I would like to explore emerging controllers like FluidNC and new hardware boards such as the Makerbase MKS DLC32.
FluidNC is a CNC firmware that utilizes the ESP32, offering an alternative to using Arduino UNO. It is compatible with GRBL, enabling the seamless transmission of GCode. It also officially supports a lot of third party hardware boards such as Makerbase MKS DLC32 V2.1 Controller.

Figure 1. MKS DLC32 V2.1 board.

In my experience, CoreXY mechanisms that employ timing belts tend to operate more quickly and quietly compared to those utilizing lead screw rods. For those interested, I have discussed the process of updating the FluidNC firmware for the MKS DLC32 board tailored for a CoreXY type machine.