DrawBot XY Plotter with Arduino GRBL Controller
With recent advancements in this field, I would like to explore emerging controllers like FluidNC and new hardware boards such as the Makerbase MKS DLC32.
FluidNC is a CNC firmware that utilizes the ESP32, offering an alternative to using Arduino UNO. It is compatible with GRBL, enabling the seamless transmission of GCode. It also officially supports a lot of third party hardware boards such as Makerbase MKS DLC32 V2.1 Controller.
In my experience, CoreXY mechanisms that employ timing belts tend to operate more quickly and quietly compared to those utilizing lead screw rods. For those interested, I have discussed the process of updating the FluidNC firmware for the MKS DLC32 board tailored for a CoreXY type machine.
We will utilize theMakerbase MKS DLC32 V2.1 Controller
, available at the Makerbase Official Store on AliExpress. The following table compares the ESP32 and ATMEGA328P MCUs.
Word size | 8 bits | 32 bits |
Flash | 32 kB | 8192 kB |
RAM | 32 kB | 520 kB |
As detailed in the DLC32 Wiring Manual, the controller features three sockets for X, Y, and Z motor drivers. You can install pupular stepper motor driver modules such as A4988, DRV8825, or TMC2209. Among these, the TMC2209 offers advanced features that provides smoothest motor operation, including sensorless homing.
When connecting the drivers, ensure that the black row of pins on the module aligns with that of the socket.
As shown in the figure above, there are two connectors for Y motors; however, they share the same driver chip, which is not optimal compared to having a separate driver for each motor. For limit switch connections, a mechanical switch requires only GND and S. The following figure illustrates the micro-step settings for the DIP switch for each motor driver.
For current adjustment, Table.2 summarizes the details for the DXIMTECH SL42STH34-1334A, a NEMA 17 stepper motor measuring 42 mm x 42 mm x 34 mm, which has 200 steps per revolution and a rated current of 1.33 A.
Module | A4988 | DRV8825 | TMC2209 |
V-adj | I-lim / 1.84 | I-lim / 2 | I-lim x 1.41 |
V for 1.33 A limit | 0.72 V | 0.67 V | 1.9 V |
Similarly, current adjustment details for the 28H30H0604A2, a NEMA 11 stepper motor measuring 28 mm x 28 mm , which has 200 steps per revolution and a rated current 0.67 A, are shown in Table 3.
Module | A4988 | DRV8825 | TMC2209 |
V-adj | I-lim / 1.84 | I-lim / 2 | I-lim x 1.41 |
V for 0.67 A limit | 0.36 V | 0.34 V | 0.94 V |
For detailed calibration procedures, please refer to the following link: https://cool-emerald.blogspot.com/2021/04/drawbot-xy-plotter-with-arduino-grbl.html#calibration
Firmware Update
The Github repository for Makerbase MKS can be found here:https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-DLC32
For the V2.1 model with a 3.5 inch LCD screen for CoreXY, you can download the following precompiled binary located in the firmware/TS35 directory:
You can then use the flash tools available at:
as illustrated in the following figure. This tool also includes features for changing GRBL settings.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Disconnect wire connections for stepper motors during the firmware update!
For more customization and flexibility, you may also consider using the firmware update from the FluidNC repository. However, please note that it does not support LCD screens.
FluidNC provides a simple and user-friendly web installer at:
To update the firmware, connect a USB cable to your PC, clike 'Connect', and proceed with the update. Afterward, update the config file for the MKS DLC32 V2.1 available at the following link:
Download the configuration file, change the kinematics to corexy, and upload it using the file browser from the FluidNC web installer. Activate the new configuration. The following listing shows the updated configuration yaml file.
board: MKS-DLC32 V2.1 name: K40 Laser meta: (01.01.2022) by Skorpi kinematics: corexy: stepping: engine: I2S_STATIC idle_ms: 0 pulse_us: 4 dir_delay_us: 1 disable_delay_us: 0 axes: shared_stepper_disable_pin: I2SO.0 x: steps_per_mm: 52.5 max_rate_mm_per_min: 4000.000 acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 1500.000 max_travel_mm: 325.000 soft_limits: true homing: cycle: 1 positive_direction: false mpos_mm: 0.000 feed_mm_per_min: 300.000 seek_mm_per_min: 5000.000 settle_ms: 500 seek_scaler: 1.100 feed_scaler: 1.100 motor0: limit_neg_pin: gpio.36 hard_limits: false pulloff_mm: 2.000 stepstick: step_pin: I2SO.1 direction_pin: I2SO.2 y: steps_per_mm: 52.5 max_rate_mm_per_min: 4000.000 acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 300.000 max_travel_mm: 220.000 soft_limits: true homing: cycle: 1 positive_direction: false mpos_mm: 0.000 feed_mm_per_min: 300.000 seek_mm_per_min: 5000.000 settle_ms: 500 seek_scaler: 1.100 feed_scaler: 1.100 motor0: limit_neg_pin: gpio.35 hard_limits: false pulloff_mm: 2.000 stepstick: step_pin: I2SO.5 direction_pin: I2SO.6:low z: steps_per_mm: 800.000 max_rate_mm_per_min: 4000.000 acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 500.000 max_travel_mm: 80.000 soft_limits: true homing: cycle: 0 positive_direction: false mpos_mm: 0.000 feed_mm_per_min: 300.000 seek_mm_per_min: 1000.000 settle_ms: 500 seek_scaler: 1.100 feed_scaler: 1.100 motor0: limit_neg_pin: gpio.34 hard_limits: false pulloff_mm: 1.000 stepstick: step_pin: I2SO.3 direction_pin: I2SO.4 i2so: bck_pin: gpio.16 data_pin: gpio.21 ws_pin: gpio.17 spi: miso_pin: gpio.12 mosi_pin: gpio.13 sck_pin: gpio.14 sdcard: cs_pin: gpio.15 card_detect_pin: NO_PIN control: safety_door_pin: NO_PIN reset_pin: NO_PIN feed_hold_pin: NO_PIN cycle_start_pin: NO_PIN macro0_pin: gpio.33:low:pu macro1_pin: NO_PIN macro2_pin: NO_PIN macro3_pin: NO_PIN macros: startup_line0: startup_line1: macro0: $SD/Run=lasertest.gcode macro1: $SD/Run=home.gcode macro2: macro3: coolant: flood_pin: NO_PIN mist_pin: NO_PIN delay_ms: 0 probe: pin: gpio.22 check_mode_start: true Laser: pwm_hz: 5000 #L on Beeper / IN on TTL output_pin: gpio.32 enable_pin: I2SO.7 disable_with_s0: false s0_with_disable: false tool_num: 0 speed_map: 0=0.000% 0=12.500% 1700=100.000% # 135=0mA 270=5mA 400=10mA 700=16mA user_outputs: analog0_pin: NO_PIN analog1_pin: NO_PIN analog2_pin: NO_PIN analog3_pin: NO_PIN analog0_hz: 5000 analog1_hz: 5000 analog2_hz: 5000 analog3_hz: 5000 digital0_pin: NO_PIN digital1_pin: NO_PIN digital2_pin: NO_PIN digital3_pin: NO_PIN start: must_home: false # 5,18,19,22,23,25,26,27,32,33,39,I2SO.7 # SDA 0 / SCL 4
Listing 1. MKS_DLC32_21_XYZ_CoreXY.yaml
If you intend to use a servo for the Z-axis, further details can be found in the FluidNC Wiki under the RC Servo section:
For instance, you can control a small 5V servo using IO22 of the Prob connector by modifying the YAML file as follows:
z: steps_per_mm: 100.000 max_rate_mm_per_min: 5000.000 acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 100.000 max_travel_mm: 5.000 soft_limits: true homing: cycle: 1 positive_direction: true mpos_mm: 5.000 motor0: rc_servo: pwm_hz: 50 output_pin: gpio.22 min_pulse_us: 1000 max_pulse_us: 2000Listing 2. Config for RC servo.
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