Sasana Year 2568 , Myanmar Year 1386 , Tabaung waning 14 , Thursday , Sb Eve.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

DIY USB Video Camera Using MK82FN256VLL15 Microcontroller and OV7670 Camera Module

FRDM-K82F is a low cost development board using MK82FN256VLL15 microcontroller. Here, I will test its FlexIO connector using OV7670 camera module. [NXP16, NXP16B]


We need to solder 18 pin female connector, Header2x9, on the back of the FRDM-K82F board to connect OV7670 module as illustrated in the following figure.

Figure. FRDM-K82 attached with OV7670 camera module.

The following figure shows the pin configuration for FlexIO header of the board.

Figure. FRDM-K82 FlexIO header.

Software Example

Demo software projects for OV7670 are included with K82 SDK. And I will use "dev_video_flexio_ov7670_bm" which is a bare metal USB video example application. After clicking "Import SDK example(s)" choose FRDM-K82 board, and under "usb_examples", we can find OV7670 examples.

Figure. FRDM-K82 FlexIO usb video examples.

We need to connect micro USB cable to SDA USB port to load the firmware using MCUXpresso IDE. Thereafter, you must remove that connection and attach the cable to K82 USB port so that your computer can see it as a USB webcam. The following image shows the output of the camera using Windows Camera application.

Figure. K82 USB video camera opened using Windows Camera application.

Related links

Yan9a, Github repository for K82 examples including k82_ov7670_bm.

Cool Emerald, Getting Started with FRDM-K82F. 2020.


[NXP16] NXP, Get Started with the FRDM-K82F. 2016.

[NXP16B] NXP, FRDM-K82F FlexIO Camera Demo. 2016-Mar-29.

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