Sasana Year 2568 , Myanmar Year 1386 , Late Tagu waxing 1 , Saturday .

Friday, September 25, 2009

CRC Calculation in VB and C

Just to share a few software modules that were written in Visual Basic 2005 and C for the calculation of CRC -Cyclic Redundancy Check.

CRC Calculation in VB2005

The followings are the source code for various CRC calculations in VB2005. To make the calculation faster, they use CRC tables.

CRC Calculation - GitHub

An example usage for calculation of CRC16 CCITT is shown below.

Dim StrIn as String= "String to calculate CRC"
Dim CRCVal16 As UInt16 = 0
Dim crc As String
CRCVal16 = CRC16_CCITT.Calculate(StrIn)
crc = CRC16_CCITT.ToString(CRCVal16)

Initial value for CRC16 CCITT is 0xFFFF. The following example calculate CRC for Str1 and use that CRC value as initial value to calculate Str2.

CRCVal16 = CRC16_CCITT.Calculate(Str1)
CRCVal16 = CRC16_CCITT.Calculate(Str2, CRCVal16)
crc = CRC16_CCITT.ToString(CRCVal16)

CRC Calculation in C

The followings are the source code for various CRC calculations in C. To save storage, they do not use CRC tables .

CRC Calculation - GitHub

An example usage for calculation of CRC16 CCITT is shown below.

#define STRLEN 4
char str[STRLEN]={0x01,0x01,0x00,0x0B};
unsigned char c[2];
unsigned int crc;
//Calculate CRC16 CCITT
printf("CRC16 CCITT = %02X %02X \n",c[0],c[1]);

Online checksum calculator such as the following one may be useful to debug the code.

Online Checksum Calculator

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