SDK Example
Let us start with MCUXpresso's SDK example 'led_blinky' using FRDM K82 development board. Click 'Import SDK example(s)' in the lower left pane, choose frdmk82f SDK, and click next as shown in the following figure.Then choose 'led_blinky' and click 'Finish'. The example blinks red LED using SysTick. I will rename the project as "K82_Tmr_Com" by clicking on the project and choose rename.
Soft Timers
Software timers are easy to implement. I have developed sotware timer module called "ceTmr" as an simplified alternative to software timer provided by FreeRTOS. You first need to copy "ceTmr.h" and "ceTmr.c" into source folder. They are available at the following repository.
To use the software timer:
- Include the header file ceTmr.h
#include "ceTmr.h"
- Set Systick configuration to enable Syttick timer at desired interval
// Set systick reload value to generate 1ms interrupt if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000U)) { while (1) { } }
- Define callback function to execute at timeout
void sby_led_to(void){ GPIO_PortToggle(BOARD_LED_GPIO, 1u << BOARD_LED_GPIO_PIN); }
- Create the timer by calling "ceTmrCreate" with interval, setting argument for oneshot as false to use autoreload timer, and callback
ceTmr_t* sbyLED = ceTmrCreate(500,false,sby_led_to);
- Start the timer by calling "ceTmrStart"
ceTmrStart(sbyLED); // start the standby led timer
- And calling "ceTmrTask" in the main loop
while (1) { ceTmrTask(); }
#define ceTmrTick SysTick_Handler // define timer tick function
The maximum number of timers can be defined there also.
#define CE_TMR_MAX_NUMBER 10 // maximum number of timer
The resulting main file is as follows.
// Project: K82_Tmr_Com // Author: Yan Naing Aye // Description: K82 software timer #include "board.h" #include "pin_mux.h" #include "ceTmr.h" #define BOARD_LED_GPIO BOARD_LED_RED_GPIO #define BOARD_LED_GPIO_PIN BOARD_LED_RED_PIN void sby_led_to(void){ GPIO_PortToggle(BOARD_LED_GPIO, 1u << BOARD_LED_GPIO_PIN); } int main(void) { BOARD_InitPins(); BOARD_InitBootClocks(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init software timer // Set systick reload value to generate 1ms interrupt if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000U)) { while (1) { } } // create timer with interval 500 ms, not oneshot, call back function 'sby_led_to' ceTmr_t* sbyLED = ceTmrCreate(500,false,sby_led_to); ceTmrStart(sbyLED); // start the standby led timer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- while (1) { ceTmrTask(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
Next thing I would like to discuss is using ring buffered UART communication module which I developed. It is called 'ceCom' and it provides functions to use all the UARTs on K82 in non-blocking way. As an example, I will demonstrate using UART4 which is the com port attached to OpenSDA USB port on FRDM-K82 development board. Copy "ceCom.h" and "ceCom.c" into source folder. They are available at the following repository, the same one mentioned above.
To use ceCom:
- Include the header file ceCom.h
#include "ceCom.h"
- Define callback function which will called everytime a character is received.
The function name is ceComOnRx0 for UART0, ceComOnRx1 for UART1, etc.
In this example, we will echo back the character.
void ceComOnRx4(uint8_t b) { ceComPutch(4,b); }
- Initialize the module by calling "ceComInitialize".
You can customized UART configuration such as pins, baud rate, etc. in ceCom.c.
// Init UART ceComInitialize();
- Transmitting can be performed by calling functions defined in ceCom.h such as ceComPrint with respective UART number.
- And calling "ceComTask" in the main loop
while (1) { ceComTask(); }
// Project: K82_Tmr_Com // Author: Yan Naing Aye // Description: K82 software timer and com example #include "board.h" #include "pin_mux.h" #include "ceTmr.h" #include "ceCom.h" #define BOARD_LED_GPIO BOARD_LED_RED_GPIO #define BOARD_LED_GPIO_PIN BOARD_LED_RED_PIN void sby_led_to(void){ GPIO_PortToggle(BOARD_LED_GPIO, 1u << BOARD_LED_GPIO_PIN); } void ceComOnRx4(uint8_t b) { ceComPutch(4,b); } int main(void) { BOARD_InitPins(); BOARD_InitBootClocks(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init software timer // Set systick reload value to generate 1ms interrupt if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000U)) { while (1) { } } // create timer with interval 500 ms, not oneshot, call back function 'sby_led_to' ceTmr_t* sbyLED = ceTmrCreate(500,false,sby_led_to); ceTmrStart(sbyLED); // start the standby led timer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init UART ceComInitialize(); ceComPrint(4,"Hello\n"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- while (1) { ceTmrTask(); ceComTask(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
The purpose of this article is to provide simple, light weight, easy to implement timer and communication modules which can be easily modified to be used on similar MCUs.
[1] Cool Emerald. Circular Buffered UART Com Module for 8051 Microcontroller. 2010 Jun 10.url:
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